Word of the Day
Pollitician - A candidate who heeds the polls.
I got up early this morning...before 6 AM. The dogs woke me up. My first thought was that their inner clocks were all screwed up and they thought they were on Arizona time but then I remembered that it would be even earlier in Arizona. I'm kind of proud of myself that my mind was working so clearly without that first cup of coffee in the morning. Regardless, I got up and took care of the dogs.
So...as I was getting up and dressed (I hate running around in my PJs in the mornings), I glanced out the window and saw a boat. A nice boat. It looked like it was tied to the shore. Our shore. My eyes aren't all that good but I didn't see any movement in the boat. It was the opening weekend of fishing season here in Wisconsin. And there was a boat that didn't belong to us by our dock which we still need to install. I looked into the woods, which isn't hard because the leaves are still just starting to sprout on the trees but I didn't see anybody camping out or hiking about. Interesting. Very interesting. No immediate need to wake up HTP but maybe I decided that maybe I should check things out.
I took the dogs outside and reluctantly trudged through the bush to check things out. If I get covered in woodticks, I'm not going to be too happy. I'm not fond of woodticks. They tend to be rather prolific in the spring. However, despite the threat of woodticks, I felt that I'd better go check things out. The boat wasn't tied to the shore. No-one was in the boat. I think I've been watching too much CSI. I was afraid I'd find a dead body or something. Anyway, I took down the license for the boat. I noted that the boat was a Lund Fisherman with a Honda motor in the running position. I noted that the seats that one would normally sit at while running the boat were in the folded position but the fisherman seat was up. The fishing gear was all stowed. No dead bodies. I could have tied up the boat but it wasn't going anywhere. The motor was down and it looked like it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon...without assistance anyway. CSI again...I decided not to touch anything. I called the dogs and we went back inside to call the sheriff. I talked to dispatch. I gave him all the details that I'd noted. He told me that he'd run the license and see if he could contact the owner. I asked HTP if I should go back down to secure the boat but he said I should probably leave it be so... Anyway, about an hour later HTP called to me to tell me that someone was towing off the boat. So I'm just going to assume that this story is over. No CSI-type excitement other than what was going on in my rather fertile imagination. Thankfully. I sure as heck-fire didn't want to think of some poor guy falling into our lake and drowning, leaving his boat abandoned and washing up on our shore. As you can see, my imagination is rather colorful. I'm sure if there was a dead body out there somewhere, I'd have half the sheriff department here by now. I expect that some fisherman had a bit too much to drink last night and he failed to secure his boat properly before pouring his abused body into bed.
And now, I feel like I've got woodticks crawling all over me. I know it's only my imagination. I hope it's only my imagination. I really dislike those nasty things. I normally don't trudge around in the woods until the woodticks have settled down a bit. That doesn't make me a girly-girl. That just makes me smart. There's plenty for me to do here at the house without exposing my poor old body to Lyme's disease or that other new disease my sister told me about the other day.
Murphyism of the Day
Freeman's Commentary on Ginsberg's Theorem
Every major philosophy that attempts to make life seem meaningful is based on the negation of one part of Ginsberg's Theorem. To wit:
1. Capitalism is based on the assumption that you can win.
2. Socialism is based on the assumption that you can break even.
3. Mysticism is based on the assumption that you can quit the game.
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