Friday, May 12, 2006

Word of the Day

Poodlum - Poodle with an attitude.

#1 son and HTP are going to take care of renewing #1 son's passport this morning. There's a possibility that #1 son may have to do some traveling this summer with the solar car project that he's been involved with at the U of M. They want to take care of it this morning because #1 son's old passport expires soon and it's a lot easier to renew a passport than start from scratch with a lot of bureaucratic red tape...expecially now since 9/11.

After taking care of his passport, #1 son will be heading back to college one last time for this school session. He's got his final final of the semester tomorrow morning. He was thrilled to find that he's passed all his finals so far...even the one that he was afraid he'd screwed up. Hey Sis! He got that solid C despite the fact that he screwed up the final. On top of that? He got a B for his Calc 4 class. Woohoo! He's been sweating that grade ever since he found that his roommate failed the same class with the same teacher the previous semester.

The temperatures here at The Lake have dropped drastically. No snow but it feels like it could snow at any minute. I'm glad I brought my geraniums back inside yesterday. My neighbors were bemoaning this cold snap when we visited at the Post Office yesterday. "The flowers were just starting to come up!" "I had to drag the annuals back into the barn." "I think the perennials that I just planted will be OK." "Snow? I'm so tired of snow!"

Snow? Well...I have to admit that I wouldn't mind too much if it snows a bit. Of course, if I'd spent months and months and months with the cold stuff, I'd be a bit short-tempered about the prospect of snow. I did enjoy the sight of snow when we drove through Colorado but I could live without the cold. There is a reason I live in Arizona for the winter months. And now I'll have to wait another bit to start my garden. Now that we're here, I'm anxious to get started. Oh plants won't be getting here until May 22nd anyway.

My Hummingbirds are back. I saw my first Oriole at the feeder too. I've been amazed this year at how many birds I'm seeing at my finch feeders...and they aren't all Goldfinches. I've already seen Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Indigo Buntings and Woodpeckers and Chickadees and Phoebes but I could live without those bullying Grackles. Where did they come from? We never had them before. I even saw Mourning Doves which I haven't seen here before. Last year was the first year that I'd seen Robins here and Bluejays. They're back too. At this rate I'll have to refill the feeders at least once a week.

Murphyism of the Day

Clarke's Second Law

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.

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