Word of the Day
Pumpkinween - Season of pumpkins, in abundance. Near Halloween.
Attack of the Killer Hummingbirds! We've been invaded. One of the first things that I do in the Spring when HTP and I return to The Lake, is put out the Hummingbird feeders. I have four of them. The hummingbirds have returned. And with that return, comes the annual territorial battles, aerial dogfights that the hummingbirds engage in to protect what they consider THEIR territory. Yesterday, we were watching one of these battles. Shock! Two the the little buggers had fallen to the deck, engaged in a struggle to the death! I'd never seen such a thing before. My sister and her husband and I all raced to the door to break up the fight. They actually ignored us as we raced to stop the carnage. Hah! We persevered. I refuse to have dead hummingbirds littering my deck. They flew off in separate directions. I'm not sure but I think one of them decided that he'd lost the battle or maybe they continued their fight out in the woods where we couldn't witness the carnage. Fine, take your fights out to some back alley somewhere where I don't have to clean up the mess. Regardless, I now have a watch hummingbird guarding the feeders against rival gangs of "foreign" hummingbirds. On top of all this, my dogs refuse to go outside on the deck anymore. I strongly suspect that the watch hummingbird has been threatening them in some way. From what I've witnessed in the past few years, hummingbirds make up for their lack of size with a truly nasty disposition.
Murphyism of the Day
Hanlon's Razor
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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