0 Days and a Wake Up Before We Head Back to The Lake
Word of the Day
Awesomnity - The quantity or condition of being awesome
Zero? Well...at least I have today to finish up with things. I taped up the one box that I'm bringing along. I zipped up one of the large suitcases. I'll finish up packing the rest of my stuff tomorrow morning. I brought in all the glasstop tables and cushions from my patio furniture. Monsoon storms can pick up and toss glasstop tables. Glass doesn't usually survive well when it's tossed about, especially if it's slammed into a block wall or dropped back onto a concrete patio. I've learned not to leave anything outside that might get caught up into one of Arizona's monsoon storms. I brought in my rain gauge and my solar frog (his belly lights up after dark). I brought in my glass reflecting ball. I brought in the welcome mats. I brought in the grapevine wreath that hangs by my front door. I even unplugged the Malibu lights. HTP is returning our cable boxes. We'll live with the basic cable that comes along with our HOA dues for tonight. HTP will have our cable modem put on vacation...after we leave. I still have to bring a box of stuff from the fridge over to my neighbors' house. I hate to throw perfectly good food away.
HTP and I will pack up the SUV tonight. We're leaving first thing tomorrow morning. I'm not sure if I'll have the opportunity to blog for a while. We'll have the laptop but dial-up speed can make blogging rather difficult. We'll see. Vegas here we come.
Murphyism of the Day
Relativity for Children
Time moves slower in a fast-moving vehicle.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them. --Will Rogers
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