Word of the Day
Apostrophascist - One of the army of self-righteous goons that jumps on others as soon as they veer even slightly away from the hideously outdated English grammar and punctuation standards laid down by the Victorians when they realized their mother tongue was a mutated to the point that it would never have the elegance of Latin or the precision of High German.
16 Days and a Wake Up Before We Head Back to The Lake
Nope...I haven't started packing as yet. I'm doing a first past review of my packing list from last year. I've also started to "think" about making an inventory list. I do this so that I don't forget what I need to bring from Wisconsin to Arizona from The Lake. One tends to forget lots of things when one is gone from home for six months of the year. That's why I label my light switches. It would a lot easier if the two homes were exactly the same with the same kitchen, the same light switches, the same electrical outfits, the same bathroom, the same etc. Oh well...labels help.
I got a call from MC Daughter and D Buddy last night. They made it to Albuquerque. Woohoo! Safe! They made it through the first day of travel. I only have to hold my breath for three more days. Next stop....Sterling, CO.
Murphyism of the Day
Lerman's Law of Technology
Any technical problem can be overcome given enough time and money.
Lerman's Corollary
You are never given enough time or money.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The taxpayers are sending congressmen on expensive trips abroad. It might be worth it except they keep coming back! -- Will Rogers
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