Word of the Day
Applicating - The act of submitting applications.
13 Days and a Wake Up Before We Head Back to The Lake
MC Daughter and D Buddy called from The Lake last night. They'll be staying there for the weekend. D Buddy had to dispose of a few dead mice. MC Daughter decided to wash the sheets when she found D-Con buried in the guest bed. Yucko! Dead mice and D-Con. Such is life at The Lake. No matter how much HTP and I do to prevent the winter mice invasion, they still get in...somehow. Maybe they take the same route as the ladybugs that end up crawling all over the house and getting into everything while we're gone. At least MC Daughter and D Buddy tell me that the place doesn't stink. Thank you D-Con for that.
I hadn't left too many groceries over the winter other than the usual survival basics. I'm starting a shopping list...though I may have to consult with MC Daughter as to what remains in the pantry up at The Lake. This is why inventory lists are so important. Only....I think #1 Son might have raided the pantry after we left for the season (he had my permission) so my inventory list (I did make one)isn't as accurate as it once was...plus...MC Daughter and D Buddy will be using some stuff too. Oh well....this isn't a problem for our Arizona house since HTP and I are the only family remaining here in Arizona. I started an inventory list from here so I'll know what I need to bring back from the lake when HTP and I return here this Fall. I'm also refining my packing list. I think HTP has given up on the thought of being able to squeeze everything into the Chevy.
I also have a long To Do List...but most of this is stuff that will have to wait until my countdown is down to the single digits. I plan to enjoy my fountain for as long as possible before I have to drain and clean it.
Murphyism of the Day
Bate's Law of Research
Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they're blind.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I'm not a member of any organized political party, I'm a Democrat! -- Will Rogers
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