Word of the Day
Aquafelinephobia - The fear of cats that can swim.
10 Days and a Wake Up Before We Head Back to The Lake
While other people shovel snow, I'll have to get out there an shovel "dust" today. We had another duststorm yesterday. I've got drifts of the stuff , front and back. Of course, our dust is nothing like the inches and feet of snow that others may get, but there's enough to make things look messy. Aside from that, "dust" doesn't melt. "Dust" remains and tends to make things look dirty and unkempt. I even have to clean up the stuff that drifted in around the windows and doors. We don't have sandstorms here in Arizona...at least there is some sand but that's not the big problem. We have "dust". "Dust" is this fine desert brown silt. It blows right on through weather-proofed windows and doors. It gets everywhere. When I dust the house, the dust is that same shade of brown.
Only a couple more laundry days until we leave for The Lake. Actually, there really is only one more laundry day (besides today)before we leave for The Lake but...knowing me and knowing HTP, I figure that I'll have to toss in a couple more loads on that day before we leave. Leaving Eve. Things are going to shift into manic-mode as of tomorrow. We'll be down to single-digits and I've got to get a move on with the packing. Only...I've got company coming to dinner on Saturday night so I'll have to wait until Sunday to do any serious, piles of stuff on the dining room table, suitcases out and open, packing.
Murphyism of the Day
Land's Lemma
When the experiment doesn't work, distrust the experiment; when the experiment works, distrust the theory.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate; now what's going to happen to us with both a Senate and a House? -- Will Rogers
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