Word of the Day
Appointed - To be thoroughly satisfied with something; the opposite of disappointed.
12 Days and a Wake Up Before We Head Back to The Lake
The ice is off the lake. There is no snow. I know this because MC Daughter and D Buddy are at The Lake. They're storing some of their stuff in our basement until they can find an apartment. They're also enjoying a weekend doing absolutely nothing that they don't want to do.
Our local deputy sheriff was quick to make sure that MC Daughter and D Buddy were who they said they were. Good to know he's keeping an eye out for us. I also know a bit more about what I need to purchase at the store in the city on our way to The Lake, inventory-wise. Ketchup. Salad Dressings. Ziplock bags. Paper towels. More vacuum bags. Sticky boards for the mice.
The mice were having a great deal of fun and frolic in the house at The Lake over the winter. D Buddy removed eight corpses (mouse corpses) from various locations. MC Daughter scrubbed down every surface where she found mouse "tracks". Ewwwww!!!!! She also has been busily vacuuming up ladybugs....a never ending job. I'm under no illusions that there won't be lots more when we get there.
Murphyism of the Day
Von Braun's Credo
Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
An onion can make people cry, but there has never been a vegetable invented to make them laugh.-- Will Rogers
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