A Grey Day in Arizona
Word of the Day
Miffage - A measure of how much one can be miffed.
I woke up this morning to a beautiful sunrise. The pink and red splashes and daubs of color looked like something that an overly exuberant artist might have dreamed up in some vivid imaginative dream. Red skies in the morning, sailors take warning? I'm not sure that we'll actually get any rain today....besides, there aren't too many sailboats here in Arizona that actually would need to listen to such a warning. Maybe out on Lake Pleasant? Right now the sky is a dull shade of grey. I'm glad that Gypsy and I at least got the chance to get outside and take our walk this morning under the glow of the pinks and reds before they faded to grey. And? I forgot to bring the camera.
I've lost enough weight that I'm down a couple of pant sizes since getting back here to Arizona. However, I'm not planning on running out to buy new clothes. Having pack rat tendencies, I was able to dig through my drawers and pull out some jeans that I haven't been able to wear for over a year. What is old is new again. Ever the pack rat, I don't plan on donating the jeans that are too big for me now. I'll store them away for right now and hope that I won't be needing them again before the end of the holidays. The diet continues. I've got some size 8 and size 6 jeans I'm hoping will fit before I head back to The Lake next spring.
Murphyism of the Day
Handy Office Excuse - Number One
That's the way we've always done it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved.
- Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC)
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