My Zulu Rubber Tree - November 2008 (That tree froze down to the ground last winter. My single-trunk tree has become a multi-trunk. Hopefully, we don't get another major freeze like last winter. I'm not sure if my dining room/golf cart garage garden will accommodate and even bigger tree.
Word of the Day
Misanthropism - The belief that humanity in general is rubbish; that humanity has a grim future; that people in general are evil and that one should stay away from them.
As I look around me at the layer of dust that is decorating my desk, I'm feeling pressured to dig out my cleaning supplies and thoroughly dust and clean and vacuum. I hate cleaning but when you can write "Dust Me" in the dust on your furniture, it's time to dust. I dusted when HTP and I got back here....yes, I did dust, clean, and vacuum....but with the windows open, we get desert dust wafting through the windows. This it the type of dust that shows up as brown dirt on the dust rag. Yuck! I'm going to have to vacuum/dust the upholstered furniture and cushions. If there's that much dust on the wooden furniture, there's just as much dust on the rest of the stuff...even if you can't see it...and I didn't vacuum/dust the upholstery when we got back here. The lampshades need vacuum/dusting too. *sigh* I hate cleaning....which reminds me of a "funny" that a friend of mine sent me the other day.
Can Coldwater Clean Dishes??
This is for all the germ conscious folks that worry about
using cold water to clean.
John went to visit his 90 year old grandfather in a very
secluded, rural area of Georgia.
After spending a great evening chatting the night away,
John's grandfather prepared breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast.
However, John noticed a film like substance on his plate, and
questioned his grandfather asking, 'Are these plates clean?'
His grandfather replied, 'They're as clean as cold water
can get them. Just you go ahead and finish your meal, Sonny!'
For lunch the old man made hamburgers. Again, John was
concerned about the plates as his appeared to have tiny specks around
the edge that looked like dried egg and asked, 'Are you sure these
plates are clean?'
Without looking up the old man said, 'I told you before,
Sonny, those dishes are as clean as cold water can get them. Now
don't you fret, I don't want to hear another word about it!'
Later that afternoon, John was on his way to a nearby town
and as he was leaving, his grandfather's dog started to growl, and
wouldn't let him pass. John yelled and said, 'Grandfather, your dog
won't let me get to my car'.
Without diverting his attention from the football game he
was watching on TV, the old man shouted .
Murphyism of the Day
Handy Office Excuse - Number Five
How did I know this was different?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Prosperity is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshipped.
- Calvin Coolidge (1872 - 1933)
A few years ago when I first met my daughter-in-law's long divorced bachelor father, he shared his personal definition of dust with me. He views the dust in his house as a noun rather than a verb.
I've never forgotten it :)
LOL. At this point, I'm trying to decide which tool I'll need to shovel all that particular "noun" out and off the furniture.
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