Word of the Day
Memolandum - The miscellaneous note or letter you keep putting back in your in-box because you don't know what else to do with it.
Finally! I'm looking forward to being able to pick up my phone again without first checking the Caller-ID. Thank goodness for Caller-ID. HTP and I registered so that we shouldn't be getting advertising calls (the occasional advertiser still ends up calling but the number of these calls has gone way down) but, we're still getting political calls and charity solicitations. I didn't really need Caller-ID at The Lake but there were times that I wished I had it there. Come to think of it, hopefully, I remembered to turn off the answering machine at The Lake. This task was and is on my To Do List for closing things up at The Lake but.... Anyway, my hope is that tomorrow will bring a bit of sanity back to our lives. Knock on wood.
I woke up with a log in my eye. OK. You know that I'm exaggerating...right? It just feels like I've got something in my eye and I can't seem to get rid of it. Allergies. I hate them. Yes, I used eye drops. The drops helped for about a minute and then the log came back. Oh well...all I'm planning to do today is get the laundry done, maybe indulge Gypsy with another game of Frisbee if she can tease me into it, and read.
Murphyism of the Day
Quile's Consultation Law
The job that pays the most will be offered when there is no time to deliver the services.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The strongest possible piece of advice I would give any young woman is: Don't screw around, and don't smoke.
- Edwina Currie
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