Word of the Day
Moonswank - To change into fashionable clothing for the purpose of going out to a social event, specifically at night.
After much wrestling and spilling of brine down my clean jeans, the turkey is in the oven. In a couple of hours, I'll slip a foil tent over the turkey so it doesn't get too brown. Other than that? I made the mashed potatoes yesterday. All my sides are in the fridge, just waiting to be reheated in the microwave and then slipped into the oven to brown. My guests aren't going to be here until noon. We'll sit down to eat at 1 PM.
I set the table (just getting ahead before I find myself behind) and.... *shudder* I found another scorpion. It was in one of my pickle dishes. A pickle dish that was clean. EWWWWW!!!!! The thing that's weirding me out is that I don't think it was there when I took that pickle dish out of the china hutch yesterday. Did it crawl in there to die sometime last night? EWWWWW!!!!! Yes, thankfully, it was dead but......it made me squeak. You know that involuntary squeak that comes out before you can stifle it? Scorpions may not be actual bugs but when it comes to my bug phobia, they fit right in. The pickle dish is in the dishwasher being sterilized. Orkin was here yesterday. It was their last visit. HTP and I've hired someone else to take care of killing bugs and such. That someone else is going to dust the attic for scorpions so I don't have to worry about finding scorpions all over the house anymore....even if they are dead. I'm told that scorpions like to hang out in your attic. *shudder* I'm thankful that I haven't run into any live ones...yet. Needless to say, I continue checking my shoes each morning before putting them on.
Murphyism of the Day
Gluck's Law
Whichever way you turn upon entering an elevator, the buttons will be on the opposite side.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
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