Snow at The Lake?
Word of the Day
Mibble - An unwanted piece of lint, crumb, or any small, visible object stuck on anything its not supposed to.
Despite a morning temperature of 43°F, I did not wear my winter jacket, nor did I wear my gloves. I settled for a sweater that I picked up last winter at the thrift store. It was a bargain but decorated as it is with embroidered Fall leaves, it's a definite Fall celebration type sweater that has a limited window of opportunity when one can wear it...the Fall. I wore it over a long-sleeved turtleneck. Added warmth. I'll dig out the sweater that I bought to celebrate Christmas and Winter on December 1st. However, by December 1st, I may be wearing my winter jacket and the full effect of the beads and jingle bells will be muted.
I keep promising myself that I'll take the camera out with me the next time that Gypsy and I take our morning training walk. Gypsy is doing really well during our morning training sessions (aside from the occasional distractions). If I'd remember to bring my camera with me, I could put her on a sit/stay and take a picture of her as she eyes me anxiously at the end of the leash. What? Does she think I'm just going to leave her there? Where's the trust? I'm going to continue with our current training program until Gypsy can hold her position no matter how many fellow walkers happen to chance by in the morning during our morning training walks. I'm not sure if adding anything new like "down" might not just confuse things. Although...
This morning I thought to dig my New Balance exercise shoes out of the closet. My feet have been bothering me during these long exercise/training walks with Gypsy every morning. If Gypsy and I were walking any faster, we wouldn't be walking anymore, we'd be jogging. I left the New Balance shoes that I bought during the summer back in Wisconsin but I remembered that I had a pair here in Arizona (that's why I didn't bring the ones that I bought over the summer back with me when we returned). Anyway, after checking to make sure that no scorpions had taken up residence in the shoes (after finding six scorpions since we've been home...I decided that it would be better to check things out...better part of valor and all), I donned my New Balance shoes and wondered why I haven't been wearing them before this. My regular shoes are quite comfortable but these New Balance go beyond comfort. My toes practically rejoiced at the extra padding. And? So far Gypsy hasn't seemed inclined to attack the shoe-laces or chomp on the nibs. Good dog. I've decided to treat my feet and wear my New Balance for the rest of the day.
HTP woke me up last night to tell me that it was snowing in The Big City where #1 Son is living. Brrrrr!!!! I imagine that it's snowing at The Lake too. I'm sure it's pretty to look at...for a while. I imagine that I'd be building a fire in the fireplace as a regular activity...sipping on hot chocolate laced with creme de menthe....or hot tea with lemon and honey.
Word of the Day
Scott's Law of Business
Never walk down a hallway in an office building without a piece of paper in your hand.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.
- Henry Adams (1838 - 1918)
We had a few snow flurries this morning even though the low temperature was only 38 degrees F.
I find it interesting that our day time temperatures are nearly equal recently.
We hit around 34 here and had a few flurries too. I don't think we're supposed to get snow until Monday or Tuesday.
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