Beautiful Ms. En
Word of the Day
Not-a-date - An activity that closely resembles a date in every way except that it is not actually a date. A not-a-date activity can either be a purely platonic occurrence or can occur with a not-boyfriend or not-girlfriend.
I've really tried to think of something to blog about but, as seems to be the case for most of my blogging, I can't think of a thing to write. It's not too cold outside, and it's not too hot. It's not raining. Of course, it's not snowing. Gypsy is learning not to sit on my lap while my lap is otherwise occupied with a laptop.
DD Daughter and GI Joe gave HTP and me some pictures of Ms. En. Beautiful pictures. Thank you, DD Daughter and GI Joe! What a wonderful gift! I may be prejudiced (after all, Ms. En is my only grand-daughter right now) but, in my humble opinion, she's gorgeous. I hung one of the pictures they sent of Ms. En in our living room. I hung one of the smaller pictures in HTP and my bedroom. Of course, HTP scanned all of the pictures so we could store them on our computer(s). I already posted two of the pictures on my blog. She's growing up so fast.
Murphyism of the Day
Beckhap's Law
Beauty times brains equals a constant.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I'm a jerk to everyone. Best way to protect yourself from lawsuits.
- David Hoselton
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