Water Water Everywhere but...not right now.
Word of the Day
Oldfolkals - The eyeglasses one needs when they can no longer see anything more than ten feet away, or their arms appear to have shrunk too much to hold the newspaper at a reasonable reading distance.
Water water everywhere but...not here at home. HTP pointed out that our water pressure was really bad this morning. He was concerned that we might have a sprung a leak somewhere. When we didn't have any huge unexplained puddles outside in either our front or back yards, horrible thoughts of SLAB LEAK raced through our brains. Horrors!!!! However, I just received notification that the water pressure problem wasn't an isolated incident. Our HOA sent the following e-mail (PTL for e-mail notifications).
City of C--- Water Problems
The water is out in the Community right now. We have contacted the City of C--- and they are working on the problem. This problem is not just occurring in S--- but also in surrounding communities. We do not have a time that this will be fixed but wanted to let you know that the City is working on this problem and will have us up and running just as soon as they can.
Thank you and have a good day,
It's always nice to know that we don't have to call a plumber...or hunt down a cracked pipe somewhere with HTP before calling a plumber. However, I dread when they turn the water back on because there's always a chance that pipes that weren't leaking before might spring a leak when they turn things back on.
Murphyism of the Day
Beirce's Definition
A boor is a person who talks when you wish him to listen.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
- Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
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