Shhhh! Gypsy's Sleeping
Word of the Day
Nunja - Personal bodyguards of the Pope; any nun trained in martial arts.
Who needs an alarm clock when they've got a dog? Gypsy started digging at her kennel door and whining at 7 AM this morning. I got up. I didn't really mind since I was already awake. I woke up at 6 AM and was listening the gardening show that comes on after Coast to Coast on the XM radio. Maybe Gypsy sensed that I was awake. Maybe she heard the sound the coffee-maker makes as it brews that first pot of coffee in the morning. She quieted right down when she heard me getting up. She even waited patiently while I washed up and got dressed. Now that she's had a chance to go outside and eat? She's gone back to sleep.
After breakfast, I picked thirty tangelos from my tree out in the backyard. I was amazed that there were so many tangelos on the tree. It was almost impossible to spot how much fruit was on the tree until the tangelos took on their bright orange color. There is at least another ten or twelve remaining tangelos on the tree but most of the remaining fruit can't be reached without using a ladder. Since my tangelos were so big, I decided to use ten tangelos per recipe of Arancello. I peeled all the fruit and added 3 bottles of Everclear and 3 bottles of vodka to the peelings, splitting the triple batch of Arancello into two large gallon jars. That's it. Just tangelo zest and alcohol. Afterwards, I juiced the zestless tangelos and ended up with three quarts of juice which HTP and I will enjoy in the coming week. Waste not want not.
I've got more grapefruit out on my dwarf tree but will wait until HTP and I finish up the tangelo juice before picking any more. I also have more lemons out on my dwarf tree than I realized. Again, lemons also tend to remain hidden until they start to ripen. I'd thought that I picked all of the limes from my tree but I just saw four that I missed. Now that they've turned yellow, they're lots easier to see. It looks like I'll be making some Limoncello after all. Well...after I buy another bottle of Everclear.
Murphyism of the Day
Steele's Plagiarism of Somebody's Philosophy
Everybody should believe in something-I believe I'll have another drink.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.
- Herbert Agar
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