A Full Moon Over a Frozen Lake - Picture taken by T-Square at The Lake 1/11/09
Word of the Day
Obeseist - Anyone who is discriminatory or acts disrespectfully towards somebody because of their extreme overweight appearance.
A friend of mine sent the following e-mail "funny" and I immediately thought of my Mom.
We went to breakfast at a restaurant where the "seniors' special" was two eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for $1.99.
"Sounds good," my wife said. "But I don't want the eggs."
"Then, I'll have to charge you two dollars and forty-nine cents because you're ordering a la carte," the waitress warned her.
"You mean I'd have to pay for not taking the eggs?" my wife asked incredulously.
"YES!!" stated the waitress.
"I'll take the special then." my wife said.
"How do you want your eggs?" the waitress asked.
"Raw and in the shell,"my wife replied.
She took the two eggs home and baked a cake.
We've been around the block more than once!
Actually, next time I go out for breakfast, I may just order the special. I wonder if they'd bring me a raw steak when I order the steak and eggs special?
Murphyism of the Day
Jone's Motto
Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?
- George Wallace
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