Ms. En and Santa - 2008
Word of the Day
Noonsense - The keen ability to know what time of day it is based on a feeling.
Everyone knows that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Well, actually, this is a theory that I don't necessarily adhere to but...having said that, you can apparently teach an Old Grey Frog a few new tricks...with a bit of patience. My new laptop came with a lot of fun toys which I'm slowly beginning to learn how to use. With the built-in web cam, DD Daughter introduced me to Skype. HTP helped me download Skype to my laptop and now...I'm learning all about using the web cam and it's built-in microphone and video for long distance calls. Computer to computer, these video calls are FREE. And? Best of all, it actually works. DD Daughter called me this morning...using Skype...and I got to see and talk to her and Ms En. Real time. Unfortunately, I was right in the middle of cooking breakfast. I almost burned the bacon and I left the water running in the sink but I got to see DD Daughter and Ms. En. It looks like I can use Skype to call land lines and cell phones too....but I'd have to pay for these calls. Ain't happening. Also, if the person I want to talk to, using Skype, doesn't have Skype loaded onto their system, there's no way that I could talk to them computer to computer. See them? They'd have to have a web cam. So...right now...I can at least talk to DD Daughter and Ms. En. Of course, Ms. En hasn't actually committed to saying much as yet but that will come.
Note: My resolution to put away all the Christmas things by January 2nd has been realized. It took a while because I kept finding stuff that I missed but...knock on wood, unless something else shows up....I've got all the Christmas decorations put away until Christmas 2009. Well...everything but the cookie tins. HTP and I still have to put away the Christmas cookies before I can put away the cookie tins.
Murphyism of the Day
Farber's Law
Necessity is the mother of strange bedfellows.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
We know what a person thinks not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions.
- Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904 - 1991)
Let me translate Nat's expression in that picture: "??? Where are you going, Mommy?" This was literally on the cusp of a meltdown. She thought I was leaving her with the strange man in the red suit.
LOL. I remember a few meltdowns with you guys. Come to think of it....that strange man in the red suit IS kinda creepy. LOL.
Christmas isn't over till Epiphany or the Baptism of Jesus by John Jan. 11.
I like leaving the christmas stuff up a long time!!!
The Christmas decorations were still up at church today. Good to know that I have until January 11 to finish up those Christmas cookies.
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