It's SNOWING! Well...not quite as much as is shown in this old photo of Sarge and #1 Son but...it IS snowing.
Word of the Day
Sudoopooscoo - A super-duper-pooper-scooper; A device used to pick up one's dog's poop.
Kylee got her new dog tag and some more puppy kibble yesterday as well some dog treats and a couple of fun toys. Everyone at PetSmart came over to admire Kylee and give her a pat. She loved it. I also stumbled across a new toy for my folks' dog Sandy....one that I don't think she'll be able to destroy. I noticed that she was already having a great deal of fun with it this afternoon after I helped Sis unload her purchases from the Gator and before I headed back home to take care of my own purchases. Hey! I'm allowed to spoil my folks' dog. I think the rule falls under the same classification as the rule where grandparents are allowed to spoil their grandchildren.
Today? Sis and I went out to our local nursery and purchased bedding plants. Of course, with the frigid temperatures and a prediction of 2 to 4 inches of snow tonight...those bedding plants are going to be sitting in my garage for a while. As it is, I covered my tomato plants an hour after I uncovered them this morning and it's doubtful that I'll even bother uncovering them tomorrow. The temperatures outside have steadily dropped. It is currently 36 degrees outside so our precipitation is cold...very cold...rain but we're only four degrees from snow.
Random Thought of the Day
Do the security guards at airports have to go through airport security when they get to work?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well.
Joe Ancis
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