My Mom says that Kylee always looks so serious. She should have seen Kylee racing around the yard with a huge stick in her mouth...or watch as she rolled down the hill. It's kind of hard to take pictures of that sort of thing.
Word of the Day
Submitication - To submit an entry to an online dictionary or other collection in hopes that one's entry will result in a communication between the submitter and the administrators of said website.
I'm having a lazy day. Aside from making a couple loaves of banana bread and re-filling my two squirrel buster bird feeders, I haven't done anything other than sit and watch TV while holding a chew toy for Kylee (so she wouldn't bite my hands raw). It's been overcast the entire day and it feels like fall and my energy level has been low. On the plus side, I didn't add to my woodtick count. However, HTP claims that he found one crawling on the bathroom floor and I removed a couple that I found on munching on Kylee. I do plan on making some homemade pizza for supper tonight. It's Monday TV night. I'm thawing out some pepperoni that Sis gave me and my last container of homemade pesto.
Random Thought of the Day
Do all-boys schools have girls bathrooms? Conversely, do all-girls schools have boys bathrooms?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The place where optimism most flourishes is the lunatic asylum.
- Havelock Ellis (1859 - 1939)
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