Kylee Likes Snow...but...I really hope we don't get any more snow until we're well on our way back to Arizona this fall.
Word of the Day
Sulduxy - Describing something that is sultry, seductive, and sexy.
No more woodticks, except the one I took off Kylee, despite the fact that I picked, cleaned, and froze my final two quarts of dandelion blossoms. It didn't take me long to pick this final batch of dandelion blossoms. There's a field by our mailbox out at the main road that has LOTS of HUGE dandelion blossoms. It didn't take me long to pick more than enough blossoms for this final batch. I ended up throwing away the excess. Sis will be happy to know that we now have enough dandelion blossoms to make four batches of Dandelion Wine. Although she likes the wine, picking and cleaning dandelion blossoms isn't exactly fun. However, on the plus side, latex gloves ward off dandelion stains on one's fingers...too bad Sis is allergic to latex.
I cooked up the ten pounds of chicken wings that I purchased when HTP and I were in The Big City last week. I made four different variations. Taking in account the fact that I over-cooked (burned) one batch of wings....HTP and I decided that we liked the Old Bay and the Monterrey chicken variations.
Random Thought of the Day
If there's a speed of sound and a speed of light is there a speed of smell?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is a sadness of growing older that we lose our ardent appreciation of what is new and different and difficult.
- Elizabeth Aston
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