Snow at The Lake?
Word of the Day
Sudoopoo - A super duper pooper; extremely downhearted feelings.
Woodtick Count - 11
I thought I'd get away without adding the woodtick count but...I just found the latest one walking across the screen of my laptop just now as I blogged. *sigh* Gotta love live here in the big woods.
It's been one of those days which doesn't encourage a body to go outside. Of course, when that body owns a dog, going outside isn't exactly a choice. Rain or Shine. Maybe if we were back in Arizona where we have a fenced backyard...but...come to think of it, Kylee would probably find a scorpion, a black widow, or even a snake if I didn't go outside with her, even if I were outside with her.
Today was cold, windy, and off and on rainy. Tomorrow? I hear that we may even get some snow? I don't think I'll bother uncovering my plants tomorrow. HTP and I are going to be heading to The Big City right after breakfast and it doesn't look like the temperatures will rise higher than the low 50's with the possibility of snow tomorrow night.
HTP's got an eye appointment tomorrow. Me? Kylee and I plan to make a stop at PetSmart. She needs an ID tag and some more puppy kibble. Aside from that, we plan to make a Costco run. I'll probably bring along a book to read while HTP is having his eyes examined.
Random Thought of the Day
Why are all of the Harry Potter spells in Latin if they're English?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.
- Charles Mackay
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