Vegetable Gardening at The Lake - May 2010
Word of the Day
Superflugraph - Meaningless pictures taken just to use up the end of the roll.
Woodtick Count - 14
It's #1 Son's birthday today! My baby is another year older. *sigh* Where has the time gone?
#1 Son!
It's also my folks' anniversary today!
Mom and Dad!
Sis and I went over to my folks' place this morning to plant some rose bushes that we purchased for them earlier in the month. Sis' husband and Dad helped dig the holes where and while my Mom directed. Sis manned the water buckets. And wearing my oldest gardening gloves (the ones with the holes in the fingers), I got down on my hands and knees to do the actual planting. I hope the three bushes we planted will do well. The climate here at The Lake isn't exactly friendly toward rose bushes was well worth the effort. As Sis' hubby removed one woodtick as it was crawling up my arm, I suspect that the two woodticks that have added to my woodtick count today came from my folks' place.
Although the temperatures remain pretty warm, the humidity level seems to be a bit lower today which makes things, like digging and planting, lots more pleasant outside. Unfortunately, we only received 0.02 inches of rain from the late afternoon storm that blew through yesterday.'s sprinkler dance time once again. I want to make sure my blueberry bushes on Blueberry Hill and my currant bushes get plenty of water and I've got some cucumber and zucchini plants that are looking really thirsty on the hill by my garage...not to mention my raspberry bushes.
Random Thought of the Day
Why can't donuts be square?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Too many people think only of their own profit. But business opportunity seldom knocks on the door of self-centered people. No customer ever goes to a store merely to please the storekeeper.
- Kazuo Inamori
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