Word of the Day
Alcolean - The angle of a drunk's body before they go into stagger mode.
It's not that I don't like doctors. They're very nice...really. It's just that I don't like someone poking at me with sharp objects. Plus, they like to hand out all kinds of pills. Pills that they want you to take for the rest of your life. I don't like taking all kinds of pills that you have to take for the rest of your life. So far I've avoided all this by avoiding going to see doctors. I suppose that's kind of like sweeping that dust pile under the rug or shoving your clothes under the bed instead of hanging them up. I hate that. Oh well...so today, I went to see the doctor. The usual. I have to fast now for eight hours before I get some blood taken at one lab. Then I have to go and get a bone density test...and a mammogram. She mentioned something about a colonoscopy too. I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Then she asked me when I had my last tetanus shot. Since I couldn't remember, the nurse stuck me with one of those before they let me escape with all kinds of paperwork for the tests that I need to take. See what I mean? With any luck at all I won't have to go back for any follow-ups or end up with all kinds of pills. One thing I did find out. She told me that I can continue to enjoy having a half a grapefruit if I like no matter what medication they put me on. Hah! It's just that they don't want you drinking copious amounts (defined as a quart) of grapefruit juice with certain meds. I don't like grapefruit juice anyway. She told me that even if I fail my test and have to take a pill that they tell you not to eat grapefruit with, they aren't talking about a mere half a grapefruit. They're just covering their bases. I'm glad I asked...since I do have a grapefruit tree in my backyard. What would I do with all my grapefruit?
When I got home I saw that HTP was finishing up the finishing touches of the yard cleanup in the back. Dutifully, I went outside to ask if he wanted any help. He waved me away. So...I decanted the first batches of wine that I made when HTP and I got here in October. Blackberry. Pomegranate. I tasted a sip of the pomegranate, though it's not near done as yet. It wasn't too bad, even though it needs some age on it. Next October? Anyway, I'll decant it again at the end of April and then bring half of it to the lake with me along with some of the Arancello and some of the Limoncello.
Murphyism of the Day
Fourth Law of Revision
After painstaking and careful analysis of a sample, you are always told that it is the wrong sample and doesn't apply to the problem.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
-- Eighteen-year-old male can't get any rest at home and wants a ride to the hospital.
-- Lady has blisters from working three days at a Taco Bell.
-- Man is out of breath from running from the police.
-- Person answered no to the question "Are you conscious?"
Calls recorded by California 911 operators, as reported in the Los Angeles Times
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