Word of the Day
Alphageek - The most knowledgeable, technically proficient person in an office or work group. Often found shunning lesser geeks in their cubicles.
So...I talked to DD Daughter last night....for two hours. HTP asks me...."What's new? What did she say?" Everything's fine. "So what did she say?" Nothing...she's fine. "For two hours you talked about nothing?" Yup. Men just don't understand stuff like that. Should I tell him what we really talked about? Good God! Never! It was woman to woman talk. I think there's an unwritten law when it comes to woman to woman talk. No men allowed. Woman talk tends to just make them totally uncomfortable.
And how did I start my day? On closer inspection, the tree that I thought may have bit the big one due to our overly cold winter seems to be on the mend. My not so young eyes noted new growth. Tiny new growth but new growth none the less. There is hope. And then my neighbor from across the street caught me peering and decided to come over to talk to me about pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice? I guess his doctor told him that he should drink a glass of the stuff every day to help his eye sight. So...I told him that there was nothing better than fresh pomegranate juice...and our conversation developed into the fact that I have a pomegranate tree in our backyard and then he had to come back and see it. I tried to tell him that he'd only need one tree but I think he plans to plant two of them in his yard now that he's seen mine. Good grief! I wonder what he'll do with all those pomegranates? I mean, there is a reason that I ended up making pomegranate liqueur and pomegranate wine. One can't drink all that much pomegranate juice before it starts going bad...unless they freeze it. That would work. A whole freezer full of pomegranate juice. Then...make wine and liqueur.
Murphyism of the Day
Rule of Accuracy
When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Take time to notice all the usually unnoticed, simple things in life. Delight in the never-ending hope that's available every day!
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