Word of the Day
Americanese - The language spoken by the majority of the American people according to much of Eastern Asia.
A weekend from Hell. It's just been one of those...though my Pollyanna side keeps telling me things could be worse. They can, can't they? Anyway, I have a golden excuse for why I didn't blog. I wasn't goofing off.
On Friday, I brought my two little chihuahuas to the vet because they've been eating some of that recalled dog food that everyone has been warning us about. My dogs seemed to be OK other than the older one wanting to drink all kinds of water constantly and halving to go outside a lot to eliminate whatever she'd been drinking. Anyway, the vet did a blood test and my older dog has almost total loss of kidney function. It isn't because of the food, it's because she's old...really old. When the vet tells you that you should really enjoy the time you have left with your pet, he's telling you that there really isn't too much time left. I'm to feed my dying dog a special diet for dogs with failing kidneys and try to get her to drink some pedialite (which, I can tell you right now, she hates.) The other little chihuahua is doing just fine. She's old too but not that old. Anyway, that was the beginning of my bad weekend.
The only nice think about yesterday was that DD Daughter arrived for a visit. I was so excited that I'll have her here until Monday morning. I can even "see" my new grandchild...who hasn't been born yet. DD Daughter is definitely showing...a little.
So, to continue on with my weekend from Hell...my neck started hurting for no reason that I can figure out. It started as a minor stiff neck. A couple of advil and I'm good to go...right? Wrong. At around midnight my neck is really starting to complain and I get up to take an Aleve. That should fix it. Right? Wrong. It just got worse and worse. The pain starting traveling down both of my arms and into my hands. There was absolutely no comfortable position to sleep in and, therefore, no sleep. Reluctantly at around 6 AM I woke my husband and told him that maybe I'd better go see a doctor. Of course, my doctor isn't available on Saturdays but when you're going through a weekend of Hell, that would be a given. The on-call doctor wasn't available either. I don't know why they call themselves on-call doctors if they aren't on-call. I was told to go to the Emergency room. Lovely. HTP got up and took my to the Emergency room. DD Daughter helped me by taking care of my ailing dog with her special diet food and her medicines while I'm off to the hospital.
I had planned to spend all kinds of time with DD Daughter yesterday. Instead, the Emergency room doctor shot me up with a muscle relaxant and some pain killer. I barely made it back to the car and I'm not sure how I managed to pour myself back into my bed. I was out like a light. I slept most of the day away. Meanwhile, HTP and DD Daughter enjoyed quality Father/Daughter time together. I vaguely remember a few phone calls. I might even have answered the phone and talked to people. It's hard for me to remember. I started to surface at around 10 PM last night. So did my neck. I took 1/2 a dose of the pain medication that the doctor recommended and one of the muscle relaxant and then returned to the land of nod.
My neck is feeling pretty good today. I can still feel a bit of pain but I can live with it. I am going to go to the Renaissance Festival...even if it kills me. It's a beautiful day and I refuse to waste the last day that I have here with DD Daughter. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Sunday isn't part of the weekend. It's the start of a new week.
Sigh. I have to call the doctor tomorrow to schedule an MRI. They want to make sure that I don't have a slipped disk in my neck or a bulging disk. Lovely. I love going to see doctors....not.
Murphyism of the Day
Parkinson's Law
The progress of science varies inversely with the number of journals published.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Grant me the power of saying things too simple and sweet for words. --Coventry Patmore
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