Word of the Day
Ambiportalous - Possessing the uncanny knack for approaching a set of double doors and always pushing the locked one.
We're back in Arizona! The luck of the Irish failed me but smiled upon HTP (my Italian husband). Go figure. Oh well...I still had fun.
It's raining! Woohoo! It's raining! Only another desert-dweller can truly understand the awe and wonder of rainstorms in a desert. I love it. Of course, I love storms wherever they occur. Wisconsin has some humdingers. I love them all. Lightening. Thunder. There's nothing like witnessing all that power and fury. But, rainstorms in a desert are special for their rarity. My plants are loving it. I've got all the windows that I can have open without ruining the carpet. It's 65°F outside right now. Inside? 76°F. Time to air out the house and humidify a bit.
Now...having said that...I'm just waiting for the first stupid motorist to drive into one of the flooded washes.
Murphyism of the Day
Souder's Law
Repetition does not establish validity.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
God is the sunshine that warms us,
the rain that melts the frost and waters young plants.
The presence of God is a climate of strong and bracing love,
always there. --Joan Arnold
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