Word of the Day
Alpopuck - Any empty dish pushed around the kitchen floor by a dog trying to get the last morsel.
St. Patrick's Day is on Saturday. I'd better get my rear end in gear if I want my traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage. One year I had to go to three stores before I could find any cabbage. They'd all sold out. Oh...and I need to get some real good boiling potatoes. Corned beef is a given. HTP loves this Irish favorite and looks forward to it every year....NOT! As an American of Italian descent, with not a drop of the Irish in his blood or background, Irish food is not his favorite. He's not fond of German food either...except bratwurst. Oh well...I have beer. The green food coloring will remain in the cupboard to be used for Easter eggs and Christmas Tree spritz. There's no way that I'll willingly drink green beer.
I planned to clean and defrost the freezer today but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. HTP has been trying to fix the really loud noisy fan in our refrigerator so cleaning the freezer will just have to wait. I guess I'll have to figure out another way to use my time today...other than laundry.
Once upon a time, I used to keep lists of the various chores that needed doing and on which day of the week they were to be done. I was a lot younger back then. Now, I'm an empty-nester and if something needs doing, I'll get around to it eventually. If it needs doing, it'll get done. I figure it's kind of like triage in the emergency room of a hospital. I triage my household chores. Those things that need desperate attention get taken care of first. I mean, I really should polish the copper containers that I keep my flour and sugar in but....maybe next winter. If someone decides to come over for a visit...I'll run around like a crazy person vacuuming, dusting, cleaning toilets, etc. But...as of right now? All that stuff will be fine for another day or so.
Murphyism of the Day
Young's Law
All great discoveries are made by mistake.
The greater the funding, the longer it takes to make the mistake.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Q. What did the mayor of Paris say to the German Army as they entered the city in WWII?
A. Table for 100,000 m'sieur?
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