Word of the Day
Ambivalate - To play devil's advocate. Acting out ambivalence or to vacillate between two opposing desires, impulses or decisions.
Measurable rain. We got measurable rain. That doesn't happen too often here in the desert so it bears noting. We got 3/4" of rain. I know this because HTP bought me a rain gauge last year for my birthday and it finally got a chance to measure some actual rain. I'm sure that the spider that had taken up residence in the rain gauge was totally shocked. Our rain storm of yesterday and last night produced a mere drip compared to Wisconsin standards but it was flood conditions when it comes to desert standards. I still have puddles in the back yard.
Of course, regretfully, I hadn't spread my weed preventer before the rain came. Figures. HTP and I ran outside this morning after breakfast to spread the stuff. It needs water...or rain...to activate it. We're hoping that we'll be getting more rain today. They (the weather guys) promised me that we're supposed to get more rain. HTP and I used up two canisters of Preen and then HTP had to go out and buy more. We ran out. It's hard to figure out how much you actually need. Note for next year? We need three canisters of Preen.
DD Daughter is all packed up and leaving California today....heading our way en route to her return to Nebraska. She called this morning. I expect that we'll see her around 8:30 tonight. Tomorrow? I think we'll be paying a visit to the Renaissance Festival. Hopefully, it'll be a wonderful sunshiny day. I love rain but not while I'm spending time and money at the Renaissance Festival. I can't actually remember the last time I've gone. I think it was with DD Daughter and MC Daughter and maybe #1 Son. #1 Son won't be there this time but DD Daughter and I will be meeting MC Daughter and her husband D Buddy there.
MC Daughter and D Buddy are moving today into a different apartment. I've often noticed that MC Daughter and DD Daughter tend to do the same things at the same times. Both of them are moving on the same day. It's really weird because they don't get together to plan these synchronized events. Cue the Twilight Zone music.
Murphyism of the Day
Futurity Factor
No experiment is ever a complete failure--it can always serve as a negative.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Not everything than can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein
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