A Bouquet of Peonies
Word of the Day
Reptiliscope - An instrument specifically designed to observe reptiles.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 39
Nothing new here. Nothing to see. My folks and I went to church....after jumping through multiple hurdles. Hey...nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. We got there...and on time.
I made BBQ pork ribs...smoked...on my grill for supper. HTP got a garden salad to go with his ribs. I enjoyed a salad made with watercress. No complaints were heard...except from Gypsy. She got a bone to chew on but I had to take it away because she was EATING IT. Gypsy has powerful jaws.
The peonies are in full bloom. Unfortunately, no matter what I've done to stake the blooms, they end up drooping down to the ground. These flowers are HEAVY. I ended up snipping off any that were drooping and that was quite the bouquet. Lots of blooms! I'm sure I'll have pedals littering my counter by tomorrow morning.
Murphyism of the Day
The Shoemaker's Children Principle
Law firms' corporate papers are never in order.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If living conditions don't stop improving in this country, we're going to run out of humble beginnings for our great men.
- Russell P. Askue
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