Word of the Day
Remembruary - The relative last month, or recurrence of the first month of the year in which people forget to transition into the following year. Often this period ends relative to the person's psychological ability to progress into the new year. This month is known to last as little as an hour and as much as several years in some rare cases.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 39
I had to dig another one of those teeny, pepper flake-sized woodticks out last night. Those things are so tiny you have to dig them out with a needle and a really good tweezers. Sometimes the only way you know that you've got one stuck in you is because whatever they inject you with to suck your blood, makes you itch. Thankfully, so far, I've been able to take care of both times I've had to operate on myself, by myself. I hate it when I have to have HTP operate on me....not that he does a bad job but... As for the itch, I went out to get some meat tenderizer today, while I was out finding a new home for the latest chipmunk I caught in my garden. A paste made with the meat tenderizer does seem to help the itch....for a while.
I really enjoyed my first salad made with watercress...actually...I enjoyed HTP's salad too. He isn't much for eating off the land. His loss, my gain. The watercress salad was perfect with the turkey pesto casserole that I made for supper. It was kind of like a gourmet macaroni and cheese casserole...with turkey and I used fusilli pasta. However, since I used the last of my homemade pesto...and my fusilli pasta, and my leftover turkey....this recipe will go into my permanent file for some future time.
Murphyism of the Day
Mr. Mendelson's Law
Ten percent of your clients give you 90% of your grief.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I can't understand it. I can't even understand the people who can understand it.
- Queen Juliana (1909 - 2004)
1 comment:
Yes you do have to re-apply the meat tenderizer. I have an itchy sopt from tick I removed and I have almost no tenereizer left so I am just wetting my finger and putting the finger in the jar and applying it. I makes the tenderizer last longer. I keep forgetting to get it at the store.
The spot is almost visible on my side and I have to pull the skin over to almost see it. Mirrors!!!
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