My Peonies are just starting to bloom.
Word of the Day
Regifter - One who gives a gift to another that originally was given to oneself.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 36
I hadn't been having any ant problems this spring...until this morning. Sis and Mom have had problems but... HTP found a big black ant crawling on my counter this morning and then I found another one crawling on my paper towel holder. *sigh* I think the rain we got the other day might have started this invasion. Plus, I scrubbed the kitchen floor and swept outside so any poison that I put down last year is long gone. So, I went outside after breakfast and treated the perimeter of the house with my Ortho granules and then I sprayed the inside and the window sills with spray. I've already noted a dead ant from the spray. Hopefully, HTP and I won't see any more ants for the rest of the summer. Those big black ants are nasty looking.
There were three grey squirrels up on my deck this morning. I'm going to have to keep an eye on the problem. As long as they don't start digging in my pots, I don't mind so much. I think they were after the bird seed in my feeders. Gypsy and I ran them off. I forgot to take my birdfeeders in last night and HTP told me we had a visit from the raccoon. HTP chased it off but I know the thing will return. Raccoons are stubborn when it comes to free food.
Something tripped the trap in the garden last night. I suspect that it was a mouse or chipmunk. Whatever it was, it was too small for the trap to hold it. I may have to bait and set out a smaller trap. Something was already digging up the seed that I planted yesterday. This is NOT turning into a good gardening season.
Murphyism of the Day
Parsons's Law
In a town where one lawyer can't survive, two lawyers will thrive.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.
- Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885)
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