Playing Yahtzee at The Lake - HTP Got a Yahtzee! -
Picture taken by T-Square - June 20, 2009
Woodtick Count of the Day - 36
Word of the Day
Reilliterate - To explain over and over, until the audience has no idea what you're talking about.
So...after breakfast...I went over to Sis' place to split up the leftovers from our Father's Day Bash. It occurred to me that Sis and I spend a lot of time doing things that NO-ONE really have any iota of an idea of what we spend our time doing during any given day. I walked into my sister's place and...the place is perfumed with the aroma of bean soup. How many houses does the average Joe walk into that smell like bean soup? One out of a hundred? Right? I find that she's been cooking up the remains of the smoked turkey we made....she'd been at is since dawn. And will her hubby when he returns home later tonight have an inkling of what she's been doing?...*sigh*...he'll probably be as clueless as my own hubby.
We ( Sis and Me) had planned on spending the morning hunting the wild watercress but...
We've got rain! It rained last night. Real rain. The most rain that we've had since HTP arrived here at the end of April. Gypsy woke me up. She was afraid! The Casablanca fans in the basement glitched and their light kits turned on. HTP had to go down to the basement and turn them off. Meanwhile, I cuddled Gypsy and enjoyed Nature's fireworks display. We got 1.24 inches of rain...according to my digital rain gauge. My non-digital rain gauge recorded 1 3/4 inches of rain. Sis tells me that her rain gauge at the south end of the lake registered 2 1/2 inches of rain but...T-Square tells me that his digital rain gauge (also at the south end of the lake) registered 2 inches of rain. I'm beginning to think I need a new digital rain gauge. I'm losing confidence in the accuracy of mine.
Meanwhile...after making breakfast...after emptying my rain gauge...after loading a trapped squirrel into the car (Yes, I caught a second pesky squirrel that had invaded my vegetable garden)...after picking up the mail in town...after driving over to Sis' place and splitting up the leftovers from our Father's Day get together...and...after releasing said trapped squirrel at an appropriate locations (at the place that used to be called Angus), I returned home. And then...
You see? Let me list all the things I do...did...that no-one will ever notice. *sigh* I made banana bread. Why? Because I had three REALLY ripe bananas sitting on my counter and...waste not, want not. Then...I made a loaf of whole wheat bread because what remained of the bread that I bought at the store was starting to grow hair (it was turning blue...OK...it was moldy). Time to work on the wine. Rhubarb Wine. The must has been strained out and discarded. And...the yeast and sugar has been added. We will have wine, but, Sis will have to help me haul the fermentation buckets to the basement on Thursday. Then...I had to weed the entire garden and re-plant the beans...for the third time... because the squirrels (the ones that I trapped and transported) had eaten the ones that I'd planted the first two times). Knock on wood...three time is the charm? Oh...and I re-set the Havahart trap in the garden for the next critter who decides to mess with my beans. Oh...and I made another huge pot of stew for Gypsy and froze it. Believe me...Gypsy would have noticed if she didn't get her morning 1/2 cup of homemade stew. *sigh* She is soooooo spoiled! Oh well...I don't have to make her special stew again until...until the stuff I made today is gone. End of July?
After making a lunch from left-overs, I decided that I really didn't feel like having turkey for supper so...HTP and I enjoyed the pizza I made while we watched Antiques Road Show and The Big Bang Theory.
Tomorrow? Laundry Day! Oh...and I finished both the Monster Sudoku puzzles that my Mom gave me.
Murphyism of the Day
Oppenheimer's Precept
Ignorance of the law does not prevent a losing lawyer from collecting his bill.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before.
- Robert Lynd (1879 - 1949)
1 comment:
I wish we could have been there. :( Hope it was a good Father's Day!
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