Thanks T-Square!
I Was Off My Rocker(s)...but, I'm Back on My Rocker Again!
Word of the Day
Radish - Awesome; cool; somewhat radical.
As I wrote in yesterday's blog, HTP and I spent yesterday in the big city. My folks looked after Gypsy while we were out and about. We shopped, we enjoyed All-You-Can-Eat Sushi, we visited with HTP's folks, and then we returned to our little cabin in the big woods...The Lake.
Today? Sprinkler Dance. I'm not going to worry or do anything about watering the grass but I still have to preform the sprinkler dance. My blueberry bushes on Blueberry Hill, my rhubarb plants, my iris transplants, my currant bushes, my raspberry bushes....they all need water. NOW! We're supposed to get some rain this weekend but so far every prediction of rain has fallen short of expectation. If I don't get those poor plants some water, they aren't going to produce any fruit. I feel bad about the grass but...not so horribly bad. Crisp grass doesn't grow and grass that doesn't grow doesn't have to be cut and if it doesn't have to be cut, I don't have to pay someone to cut it. However, I've still got my fingers crossed that we'll get some much needed rain this weekend....Please!
Woohoo! I've been off my rocker(s) ever since the rocking part of my rocking chairs broke last year! I bought these two rustic, outdoor rocking chairs, the first summer after HTP and I built our home at The Lake. I LOVE THEM! They fit. Unfortunately, although rustic and built for the outdoors, my poor rocking chairs have been having a hard time surviving Wisconsin winters. The rocking part of one of the chairs rotted through the previous summer and T-Square made me a replacement. Unfortunately, the remaining three rocking "arms" rotted through last summer and T-Square just didn't have the correct tool to make me new ones until he and my Mom collected the much needed equipment from their home in Nevada. Woohoo! T-Square made me four new rocker arms...bars?...the part that miraculously transforms a mere "chair" into a Wondrous Rocking Chair. I was so excited to have the new rocking arms that HTP helped me install them right away. I am no longer off my rocker(s)and there's nothing nicer than sitting out on the deck in the evening, feet up, gently rocking in the evening breeze while bald eagles soar and hummingbirds jealously guard their feeders. Thanks, Dad!
Murphyism of the Day
Porkingham's First Law of Sportfishing
The least experienced fisherman always catches the biggest fish.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself.
- Plutarch (46 AD - 120 AD)
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