Could this be my mystery invader?
Word of the Day
Redogdant - Describing the behavior of naming one's new dog after their old, and now passed, dog.
2009 Woodtick Count - 36
HTP drove to the big city again today. He offered to take me with him but I decided to stay home this time. I didn't feel like spending the six hours of travel time, stuck in a car. Besides, we'll be going to the big city on Sunday. I did pack up most of the pizzelle that I made yesterday so HTP could bring them to his Mom and Dad.
I'm going to give the bean seed that I planted/replanted in my garden a few more days to sprout. It hasn't been quite a week since I re-seeded my beans. Unfortunately, something is still digging around in my garden. I don't think it actually means to dig up my seeds because it's leaving them lying on the surface of the garden...uneaten, and I found an acorn stuck into one of the holes. I took care of the bird problem but... I re-baited my trap with fresh bait but haven't caught the culprit as yet. Squirrel? Chipmunk? Anyway, the mystery invader has been digging...leaving gaping holes in my garden. Not a good thing. I'd like to catch it before I attempt replanting for a third time.
Murphyism of the Day
The Stadium Service Principle
The quality of food and service varies inversely with the number of alternative sources available.
When there is only one concessionaire, the price will be exorbitant.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The prime purpose of eloquence is to keep other people from talking.
- Louis Vermeil
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