A Clean Fountain is a Joy
The above picture was taken last April.
Word of the Day
Snifty - The pinnacle of awesome; Being both snazzy and nifty.
Owning a fountain is not all joy. It's kind of like owning an aquarium but without the fish. Algae happens. Algae really happens when you add sunshine, leaves, and flower pedals. Conditions have been way too favorable for generating algae this winter. Ideally, I should/could drain the fountain, scrub it out with with some really strong soap, let the sun do its job, and then refill. I may still end up doing that but, I thought I'd try using a pool shock treatment first. It worked...kinda. The algae all died and turned brown. Then, the dead algae started pulling away from the surfaces of the fountain, creating some really nasty looking slime, chunks of slime which I spent a great deal of time scooping out of the fountain. Ewwwww! Oh, and the pool shock makes the water in the fountain foam up. Since I've used the pool shock before, this wasn't exactly a mysterious occurrence. Thankfully, I know from past experience with this product that this too shall pass. My fountain is more or less clean...as clean as it can be, for right now.
Random Thought of the Day
How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Train up a fig tree in the way it should go, and when you are old sit under the shade of it.
- Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870)
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