That's a lot of Arancello!
Word of the Day
Sniffalist - Any person partaking in the annoying habit of rhythmic sniffing or snorting though free of allergy, cold, or flu. The behavior is a sad attempt to get attention from those within earshot and often precedes speech or movement. Such people can be found in cubicle farms, quiet coffee shops, and university libraries.
I've been a bit busy since I last blogged...that and a bit lazy. I had planned to blog about the Arancello making experience yesterday but my computer (cable modem) was acting up so...I gave up. Looking back over the last week, I can't really tell you all the things that I did because that was last week and this is this week and nothing I did was earth-shattering...not really. Should I have blogged to tell you that I picked the remaining tangelos from my tree? By the way, the new fruit-picker that I bought works great. I gave most of the tangelos to my friend on Saturday when we made a run on Saver's. I donated a trunk-load of clothes and stuff from when HTP and cleaned the garage and I bought eight "new" shirts. Then, I came home and sorted through my closet so I could find eight shirts to donate for the next trip to Saver's. I've decided that if I buy anything new, I need to discard something old so there will be room to store the new. HTP and I don't have unlimited storage here in Arizona...or at The Lake.
I played my clarinet at church on Sunday. I've really enjoyed playing my clarinet with the church orchestra and with the contemporary group. It's one thing to play my clarinet at home with a CD backup (n'eh) but there's nothing quite like playing with other musicians. Wonderful!
I worked on my Arancello project yesterday. It took the entire day to strain off the tangelo peels and filter the stuff. As an aside, the entire house smelled like oranges and I ended up with a whopper of a headache. I think the fumes were getting to me. The undiluted liquor is potent! (I probably should have worked with the windows open but...HTP really doesn't like the cold.) Before starting my filtering project, I cooked up a huge pot of simple syrup, a quadruple recipe for a quadruple recipe of Arancello. There is a reason for why I buy lots of sugar. By the time I'd finished with the double filtering, the simple syrup had plenty of time to cool. So, I now have four large jars of Arancello that will have to sit in a cool dark spot for forty days and nights and I need to buy more coffee filters because before bottling the Arancello, I'll need to filter it all again a couple more times.
I've decided to hold off on racking the winter wines until next week. I'm not sure I could handle more than one alcohol related project a week. In the meantime, today is Tuesday. I'm doing laundry.
Random Thought of the Day
What is another word for "thesaurus"?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Eat before shopping. If you go to the store hungry, you are likely to make unnecessary purchases.
- American Heart Association Cookbook
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