Sarge, Mom, D Buddy, and Dad at The Lake - February 20, 2010
Word of the Day
Snigletism - 1. A word that has been partially or unofficially accepted as a sniglet or unword. 2. A word that has not been accepted as an unword because of its poor quality.
I couldn't stand the thick layer of ice coating my deck and patio furniture. I was going to wait until #1 Son came so he could help me remove it but...I spent about an hour out on the deck yesterday removing most of the remaining ice and snow. There are still a couple of stubborn patches remaining but, for the most part, it's all gone. It was such a nice day. The sun was shining. The temperature on the deck was working with me. I didn't even need a jacket. Our coal shovel worked great at breaking off clumps of 2-3" thick slabs of ice and then I just shoved them off the deck...under the railing. "LOOK OUT BELOW!" Since it was just me, I figured that I didn't have to shout out a warning. The ice fishermen out on the lake were far enough away to stay out of harm's way.
HTP returned from The Big City at around 9:15 PM last night. Sarge, D Buddy and #1 Son were about twenty minutes behind him. We sat down to a REALLY late supper at around 10 PM. I'd already cooked the mushrooms and potatoes, threw together a salad, and had the steaks sitting out on the countertop so they'd come to room temperature. Sarge and #1 Son took care of grilling the steaks for us.
All the shoveling and ice chipping and shoving wore me out enough that I never heard when Sarge, D Buddy, and #1 Son unloaded the U-Haul trailer that was sitting out on the driveway and took all the stuff down to the basement. I didn't even hear when Sarge snuck into my room to borrow my keys. There's nothing like a bit of exercise to cure insomnia. Best night sleep EVER!
Of course, I was the first one up this morning. Later, I heard that Sarge, D Buddy, #1 Son and HTP didn't get to bed until past 3 AM due to a mixture of unloading the trailer, visiting, and enjoying the brownies I made yesterday with some ice cream that they'd bought at the store. I would have loved some but...sleeping. Not to worry, they didn't eat all the brownies or ice cream. I should be conscious enough to enjoy my dessert tonight.
Sarge and D Buddy hit the road for Texas after breakfast. My folks came over just in time to wish them a Bon Voyage and for HTP to take a few pictures.
I'm glad I got all the ice and snow off the deck yesterday. It's a lot colder outside today. I don't think there's any snow in the forecast but the sun hasn't broken through the clouds. Still...there are some hardy ice fishermen still out on the lake. Brrrrr!!!!!
Random Thought of the Day
When you're caught "between a rock and a hard place", is the rock not hard?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The things we know best are the things we haven't been taught.
- Marquis de Vauvenargues
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