Yummmm!!!!! Chocolate! - February 27, 2010
OK. I admit it. I'm tired out. It's nap time! Grandma Froggy needs a nap. Taking care of babies and toddlers is a young person sport. Ms. En is a bundle of energy and as sweet as can be. She chatters almost non-stop and sometimes I think I can actually understand what she's trying to say. Mr. T. isn't feeling 100% but he's a cute little bundle of sugar and he loves to dance and cuddle.
Ms. En loves cooking. While she ate a banana this morning (after breakfast), she helped Grandma Froggy make banana bread. She watched intently as Grandma measured and mixed and then helped Grandma by peeling the bananas and putting them one by one into the mixer bowl. What a good little helper! Then...#1 Son (Unkca Dabbid)thrilled her when he showed her how to make his special chocolate brownies. He let her taste some cocoa powder. Yuck! Cocoa powder smells good but it tastes awful! But then he showed her how to wipe the cocoa powder on her jeans because that's what jeans are for...and he gave her a small spoonful of the batter to lick and then...best of all...he let her lick the mixer paddle...loaded with chocolate brownie batter. Yummmm!!!!! Chocolate Nirvana. #1 Son (aka. Unkca Dabbid) makes WONDERFUL brownies and who can resist a man who doesn't even blink when she gets brownie batter all over her face and hands and all over her cute pink shirt. He even helped her clean her hands and face. Awwww!!!! DD Daughter will have to soak that cute pink shirt but...that's a Mommy job. Unkca Dabbid, Grandma Froggy and Ms. En needn't worry about such trivialities.
I wonder what Grandma Froggy, Ms. En, and Mr. T can all find to do after we're up from our naps. I wonder if Ms. En wants to help Grandma Froggy make the pot roast for supper tonight? Somehow I don't think that will be quite as fun as making brownies with Unkca Dabbid.
Random Thought of the Day
Do butterflies remember life as a caterpillar?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Help others get ahead. You will always stand taller with someone else on your shoulders.
- Bob Moawad
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