T-Square, Ms. En., Ma, DD Daughter, and Mr. T. - February 28, 2010
Word of the Day
Snigology - Shorter form of snigletology, the study of sniglets.
DD Daughter and drove into the city yesterday to augment my larder with things that a toddler (Ms. En)likes. While we were shopping, HTP looked after Ms. En and Mr. T. Both of them were down for their afternoon nap so we figured that HTP could handle things. He did. Mr. T. woke up a couple of times and Ms. En decided to explore the book shelf in the guest room but HTP managed just fine.
My folks came over for supper last night. This was their first opportunity to meet Mr. T. since he was born. I made spaghetti with meatballs, and Italian sausage for supper. Ms. En didn't like the tossed salad that I made but she LOVED the meatballs. She ended up eating seven of them! Wow! They were fairly small but...seven? We ended the evening with everyone sitting down while DD Daughter read Ms. En from a Mother Goose book. Since all of us were familiar with the poems, we all ended up reciting in unison. Even Ms. En chirped up with the parts that she knew.
Today? FedEx brought my new Shark steam mop! Woohoo! My kitchen floor is spotless! The biggest challenge was the area where Ms. En was playing with her bubble machine last night. I was ending up with suds...so...I still have to mop the bathrooms because the mop pads (both sides of two pads) ended up getting sudsy and I didn't order any extra mop pads. This Shark steam mop is different than the one I have back in Arizona. It has pocket pads and three different mop heads, so, I don't think I will order any more pads. I still had one more mop head with a double-sided pad that I could have used so I suppose I could have mopped the bathrooms but...I ran out of steam. The mop didn't run out of steam...I did. I'll wait to mop the rest of the house after I get all the mop pads laundered tomorrow. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Random Thought of the Day
When your photo is taken for your driver's license, why do they tell you to smile? If you are stopped by the police and asked for your license, are you going to be smiling?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Mach-S, the speed at which stress can't keep up, is simply forward motion. But it has to be self- propelled. Note that people in cars are still stressed.
- Jef Mallett
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