Ms. En. and Mr. T.
Word of the Day
Spaghetti shirt - A shirt that will not show a stain acquired while eating pasta with red sauce.
Poor Mr. T. is teething. Any day now he'll be getting his first tooth. Unfortunately, in during this very natural process, he's only been able to snatch short periods of rest...which means...DD Daughter has only been able to snatch short periods of rest. At one point, I went down to offer assistance but DD Daughter told me that she could handle things. But, this morning, she was more than happy to let me and HTP take care of Mr. T. and Ms. En while she grabbed a short nap.
I feel rather guilty that DD Daughter and I went off shopping this afternoon, leaving HTP with the grand-children...but not too guilty. Mr. T. and Ms. En were supposed to be down for a nap but... Anyway, DD Daughter will be heading back home on Tuesday and she wanted to pick up some Italian sausage from Louie's Meat Market in Cumberland. I had a few groceries to pick up at the grocery store so I went with her. Also, we needed to buy more baby food for Mr. T and some fruit and juice for Ms. En....AND some baby Tylenol for Mr. T...teething. HTP didn't look too stressed when we got home. He was reading to Ms. En while rocking a fretful Mr. T. in his bouncy chair.
Tomorrow is Monday. I'm going to make hot chicken wings for HTP, DD Daughter, and me. I'm making chicken nuggets for Ms. En. Mr. T. gets formula and oatmeal with mixed fruit. We had chicken fajitas tonight. DD Daughter showed how to enjoy really great tequila shots after dinner (only two) and then we finished up with our dessert of brownies ala mode with hot fudge sauce (only one).
Random Thought of the Day
On Gilligan's Island, how did Ginger have so many different outfits when they were only going on a 3 hour tour.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
[S]he refused to be bored chiefly because she wasn’t boring.
- Zelda Fitzgerald, 1922
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