What is Old is New Again - March 2, 2010
Word of the Day
Snormin - To snowstorm; to storm about with snow.
What is old is new again. Last fall my folks gave me the toy box, full of toys, that they had kept at their cabin to entertain their grandchildren (Sis' children, Bro's children, and my children) when they'd come to visit during the summer. I stumbled across it when HTP and I were cleaning the basement, in preparation for DD Daughter's visit with Ms. En and Mr. T. Yesterday, I brought it upstairs for Ms. En to explore. It was like watching someone open a treasure chest. DD Daughter commented, "Hey! I remember that green plane. It was my favorite." So far, Ms. En likes the monkeys (from the game Barrel of Monkeys), the phone, and a couple of the motorcycles. Mr. T. hasn't shown much interest as yet but...he's only a baby still.
Random Thought of the Day
Why are the numbers on a calculator and a phone reversed?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Dreams are postcards from our subconscious, inner self to outer self, right brain trying to cross that moat to the left. Too often they come back unread: "return to sender, addressee unknown." That's a shame because it's a whole other world out there--or in here depending on your point of view.
- Dennis Koenig and Jordan Budde
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