There's Nothing Quite Like a Good Rocking Chair
Word of the Day
Solanist - A woman who hates men. The opposite of a misogynist.
The grand-kids and DD Daughter are taking a nap. HTP is outside chipping away at some of the huge pile of snow that the snow plow left by the sides of our driveway near our garage. The snow has been starting to melt and I think he's afraid that we'll end up with a HUGE puddle if he doesn't get rid of it before it all melts.
Ms. En and I took a long hike up the driveway to the main road and back. That's one mile! DD Daughter was hoping that the hike would wear Ms. En out a bit before her nap but I suspect that she could have hiked at least another few miles. During our hike, Ms. En started a rock collection, she played with a stick, she jumped in the leaves by the side of the driveway, she enjoyed the crunching noise that the snow made when she walked on it, she listened to the sound that the wind made, she heard the tapping of a woodpecker, she saw a huge logging truck, filled with logs, on the main road and watched another go by that was empty and then she raced after Gypsy when Gypsy ran down the black-topped part of our driveway on the way back to the house. I told you she wasn't tired out. The newly started rock collection is currently residing in a butter tub on my coffee table. I'm sure she can't wait to bring it home with her to show her Daddy (GI Joe).
Random Thought of the Day
How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.
- Bessie A. Stanley
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