See? Kylee doesn't have a tail.
Word of the Day
Spota - Something that was supposed to happen already, and did not for whatever reason.
Kylee and I heard the ice on the lake breaking up this morning, sharp cracks and low bubbling moans. Spring is here but it doesn't feel much like spring. We woke up to 18 degree temperatures. My flannel-lined jeans feel wonderful. Too bad I can't wear flannel-lined jeans to church.
T-Square and I went to church this morning. Kylee stayed home with her kennel. After church, T-Square drove me into town to pick up the Sunday paper and the local free newspaper. I was supposed to pick up the free papers yesterday when I picked up the mail...but...I didn't know that I was supposed to pick up the free papers in town until I got home. Oh's done now.
Kylee is getting used to spending time in her kennel. I can't watch her 24/7. When I can't watch least until she is fully trustworthy when it comes to house-breaking and chewing on stuff (not chewing on stuff)...she needs to be contained. It's working so far. I make up for the periods of containment by taking her for long hikes and playing fetch with her. I toss the toys, she fetches them back to her basket. The rawhide bones are being enjoyed. Eventually, she'll learn not to chew on electric cords, pillows, edges of chairs, shoes, etc. In the meantime, I ordered something online that I can spray on the stuff that she's not supposed to chew on. It's supposed to be very unpleasant. I wonder if my Mom and Dad (T-Square) want to borrow it for their puppy? We'll see. I won't know how well it works until it gets here.
Random Thought of the Day
Why do we press the start button to turn off the computer?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Temptation rarely comes in working hours. It is in their leisure time that men are made or marred.
- W. N. Taylor
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