Kylee is Three Months Old
Word of the Day
Squeats - A need to use the restroom that does not out-weigh the importance of something they are doing at present, causing them to squirm in their seat.
The weather is improving. Kylee and I spent a lot of time enjoying the sunshine out on the swing in the backyard. Poor Kylee seems a bit puzzled by a missing pile of snow that she enjoyed munching on in the yard. Where did it go?
Kylee is a smart little girl. She seems to love HTP...and HTP agrees that she's REALLY smart. Every time we come back inside, she scampers over to check up on him in the office. The last time we came back from our walk, HTP fooled her. He was sitting in his recliner watching TV...but...she found him. AND...she figured out how to get up into his lap, much to HTP's chagrin. She used the pile of newspapers sitting by his chair as a step-stool. She leapt on top of the pile of papers and then from there, onto his lap. Too funny. I'm going to have to watch her. HTP isn't used to matter how smart they are.
Random Thought of the Day
If someone owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way to the center of the earth?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The sad truth is that excellence makes people nervous.
- Shana Alexander
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