Mr. T, Ms. En, DD Daughter, and GI Joe - February 15, 2010
Word of the Day
Snigletize - 1. To form a sniglet or unword from a word or combination of words. 2. To form into an unword or sniglet; Turning a word into an unword.
It's snowing...again. Off and on. Not too much is sticking. I made chili for lunch.
We got a call from DD Daughter this afternoon. She and our grandkids are driving down to visit with HTP's Mom and Dad on Friday and then continue on to stay with us here at The Lake. HTP is driving to The Big City to see his folks tomorrow. We'll both go in to see them on Friday when DD Daughter and the grandkids go visit with his folks.
I'd better get the guest rooms prepped. Tomorrow will be soon enough. It looks like I'd better add to my grocery list too.
Random Thought of the Day
Is "vice-versa" to a dyslexic just plain redundant?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness.
- George Sand (1804 - 1876)
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