I Hope T Square is More Careful Than Santa
Word of the Day
Snignorant - Describing any person who is ignorant regarding unwords or sniglets, or who doesn't understand the purpose of them.
DD Daughter called me this morning at 8 AM. She and the kids were just hitting the road. She called again at around 11 AM. They'd made it to Des Moines and she'll call us again once she gets to Clear Lake, IA. Half hour?
I baked two fresh loaves of bread this morning after breakfast. I washed my hair...because it NEEDED it. I took Gypsy over to my folks' place and saw T-Square up on a ladder, using an ice pick to break up an ice dam that had formed on the roof of their house. NOT something that I cared to see but he told me that he'd be fine. Right?
HTP and I'll hit the road as soon as we hear that DD Daughter and the grandkids have reached Clear Lake.
Random Thought of the Day
Can you "stare off into space" when you're in space?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon sand.
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
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