MC Daughter and #1 Son at The Lake - Spring Break 2004?
Word of the Day
Checkuary - The thirteenth month of the year that begins New Year's Day and ends when a person stops absentmindedly writing the old year on their checks.
I've just thought of another Murphyism. It's kind of related to the one where if you wash your car it will rain and if you water the lawn it's sure to rain. This one isn't related to rain but....
I didn't make up the beds in the guest rooms. I didn't vacuum or clean the guest rooms. I figured that I'd run down and do it if we were going to have guests. My reasoning was that everything would be clean and fresh for our guests, if we were going to have guests. So, since I wasn't expecting any guests or any of our kids (when do children become guests?) this weekend, I figured that I'd put off getting the guest rooms ready. I was prioritizing. So what happened? #1 Son called at around midnight and told HTP that he'd decided to come home for the weekend. HTP told me. HTP and I went downstairs at midnight and made up the bed in the room that #1 Son calls "his room". I glanced at the sheets that I'd planned to put on the bed in the other guest room but figured that we didn't need to make up that bed. Not at midnight. So...anyway...what happens is that around 5 AM, HTP and I hear #1 Son's car drive up and we hear talking. It seems that #1 Son stopped by at MC Daughter's place to pick up something and then, spur of the moment, MC Daughter and D Buddy decided that it would be fun to all come to visit this weekend. My Murphyism theory is that if I'd made up the bed in the second guest room and vacuumed up the D-Con that littered the floor last night when HTP and I were making the bed in #1 Son's room, MC Daughter and D Buddy would have decided not to come. Actually, if I'd made up both of the beds in the guest rooms and vacuumed on Wednesday when I'd lazily rationalized about not prepping those rooms, none of my children would be here right now.
The Moral of this Murphyism? I'm beginning to think that if I want my children to come for a visit, I should keep those guest rooms unprepped from now on. Oh...and I think I'm going to go and start watering the lawn. We really could use some rain.
Murphyism of the Day
Hey! I just did that. Old Grey's Rule on Guest Room Preparations.
Read above blog.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The way to final freedom is within thy self. -- The Book of the Golden Precepts