DD Daughter Taking a Nap
Word of the Day
Caffeinatic - Someone who is a fanatic regarding their caffeine consumption.
Out here at The Lake you miss a lot if you sleep late. I don't sleep late. This morning a herd (what do you call a bunch of deer?) frolicked across my yard. Momma deer and her newborn fawn and three yearling deer. I got such a chuckle out of the three yearlings (triplets from last year?) cavorting and playing tag with each other and then Momma losing all patience with the youngsters and nipping at them. "Cut that foolishness out...you're going to hurt the baby with your rough-housing!" I could almost hear her saying it. Then, after she chased the yearlings off, I watched as her fawn got a chance to take a little nourishment from Momma. And all this happened before 7 AM. You snooze...you lose.
Plans for the day? Shopping. I need to go to the city to get supplies. I'll have to go again next week but #1 Son is going into the city to get the oil changed in his car and I thought I'd tag along. With gas prices at $3.29.9/gallon, HTP and I try to keep our driving down to a minimum. I'll have to drive out again on Thursday and then HTP and I will be driving to The City and back on Friday so....I'll just fit my weekend's shopping trip into #1 Son's schedule.
Murphyism of the Day
The Three Ways to Get Something Done
1. Do it yourself.
2. Hire someone to do it for you.
3. Forbid your kids to do it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States. Ask any Indian.
-- Robert Orben
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