Word of the Day
Chaortic - A situation that is both orderly and chaotic.
I forgot to blog yesterday?! Oh well.... I finished up the laundry. Re-organized some drawers and found mouse poison that some poor mouse stowed away in a drawer in my basement. Yucko! I'll have to go down later today with a vacuum cleaner to clean up the mess. I guess we'll have to switch to a different type of mouse poison this winter. All they do with this stuff is drag it and store it here and there. Blech!
I went fishing and caught a really nice smallmouth bass. 16-inches. I also caught about 15 nice bluegill. All this off our dock. HTP is charging up the batteries on the boat. Maybe we'll take it out tonight and see what we can catch. Needless to say...I love fishing. The way things work here at The Lake is you fish when the fishing is good...and then you eat. I fished until they stopped biting and then cleaned the fish, but not for supper. After cleaning and prepping the fish for freezing, I made supper. French Dip. It was 9:30 PM. As I said, time around here when it's just HTP and me, doesn't really make too much difference. We eat when we eat.
I also picked more currants. Enough to start a batch of Currant Wine. I'm at Stage One with it. Stage Two is when I add the sugar and yeast. Stage Three is when I add the gelatin (a clarifier)
Today? As soon as I make up for not blogging yesterday and try to get ahead of the game by blogging early today (two for the price of one today in the blog department), I'm heading out the door to go pick up my sister. We're going to visit a strawberry field/farm to pick strawberries. I need lots of strawberries. My famous Sugarfree Strawberry Jam (HTP's favorite...we're out), strawberry shortcake, strawberry liqueur...but no strawberry wine. I think I need to go get some Vodka for the strawberry liqueur.
Murphyism of the Day
Marquette's First Law of Home Repair
The tool you need is just out of reach.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience. -- Henry Miller (1891 - 1980)
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